Appendix A. Survey Results
To gauge state regulatory practices regarding site objectives, ITRC surveyed the ITRC state POCs. ITRC received responses from 40 of the 50 states. State representatives were asked the following two questions:
- Does your state/tribal program allow the following as a primary means to meet RAOs?
- Does your state/tribal program allow the following after the original selected remedy fails to reach the RAOs within the planned remedial time frame?
The term “RAOs” was used in the survey to encompass a broad range of state remediation program objectives (site objectives). Several methods of designating alternative points of compliance, contaminant management areas (areas subject to institutional controls, plume containment), criteria adjustment, schedule adjustment, technology adjustment, and other alternatives were then listed. Note that the second survey question referred to a “planned remedial time frame”; however, there is little evidence that states or tribes establish a planned remedial time frame during remedy selection. With this qualifier, the results of the survey are summarized in Table 21.
Table 21. Summary of ITRC State Survey Results
A complete list of all the state survey questions and detailed responses is summarized here.