Team Members and Contact Information
This appendix provides full contact information for ITRC Team Leaders and the ITRC Program Advisor as well as a complete list of registered ITRC team members.
Team Leaders
Washington State Department of Ecology
3100 Port of Benton Blvd.
Richland, WA 99354
[email protected]
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South HMWMD-B2
Denver, CO 80246
[email protected]
Program Advisor
Rula A. Deeb, PhD, BCEEM
Geosyntec Consultants
1111 Broadway Sixth Floor
Oakland, CA 94607
[email protected]
Team Members
Team members are listed alphabetically by organization. Due to the large size of the team (over 400 participants) contact information is not included for each team member. Note that the ITRC team was active over several years (2015-2017); not all team members were part of the team for the full duration.
Daniel Diaz, AECOM
Tom Champion, AECOM
Dora Chiang, AECOM
Tiina Couture, AECOM
Tony Dworaczyk, AECOM
Charles Epstein, AECOM
JR Flanders, AECOM
JoVon Hardy, AECOM
Thomas Kettinger, AECOM
Ahmet Korkmaz, AECOM
Sam Lillard, AECOM
Elena Lopez, AECOM
Tara MacHarg, AECOM
Brian McCarthy, AECOM
Elizabeth McCoy, AECOM
Shail Pandya, AECOM
Kern Rouly, AECOM
Venus Sadeghi, AECOM
Rachel Samuels, AECOM
Martin Schmidt, AECOM
Scarlett Zhai, AECOM
Kris Berry, Alabama Department of Environmental Management
Crystal Collins, Alabama Department of Environmental Management
Daniel Arthur, Alabama Department of Environmental Management
Lansana Coulibaly, AMEC Foster Wheeler
Russ Fraze, AMEC Foster Wheeler
Justin Johnson, AMEC Foster Wheeler
Alex Mikszewski, AMEC Foster Wheeler
David Smoak, AMEC Foster Wheeler
Karel Van Zyl, AMEC Foster Wheeler
Arun Bose, AMEC Foster Wheeler
Michelle Doherty, AMEC Foster Wheeler
Kenneth McRowe, AMEC Foster Wheeler
Ying Song, AMEC Foster Wheeler
Dimitri Vlassopoulos, Anchor QEA
John Edwards, Anchor QEA
Emilee Skyles, Animas Environmental Services, LLC
Bradley Cross, ARCADIS
Kristian Doerken, ARCADIS
Amy Goldberg Day, ARCADIS
Ankit Gupta, ARCADIS
Jeff McDonough, ARCADIS
Matthew Schnobrich, ARCADIS
Douglas Gonzales, ARCADIS
Scott Green, Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
Abdellatif “Adam” Mohamed, Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
Jason Dalton, Azimuth 1
Ellen Richard, Barr Engineering
Jamie Bankston, Barr Engineering
Julie Marks, Barr Engineering
Ty Morris, Barr Engineering
Heather Rectanus, Battelle
Russell Sirabian, Battelle
Ramona Darlington, Battelle
Loren Burmeister, BP
Andrew Kirkman, BP
David Sweeten, BP
Litina Dong, BRISEA Group, Inc.
Xiao Yang, BRISEA Group, Inc.
Han Zhang, BRISEA Group, Inc.
Jeffrey Pintenich, Brown and Caldwell
Tamara Sorell, Brown and Caldwell
Tony Finding, BSTI
Reid Unke, Burns & McDonnell
Wayne Weber, Burns & McDonnell
Kevin White, Burns & McDonnell
Rick Cramer, Burns & McDonnell
Eric Dulle, Burns & McDonnell
Juan Peng, California Department of Toxic Substances Control
Soad Hakim, California Department of Toxic Substances Control
Aleksandr Soin, California Department of Toxic Substances Control
Christine P. Brown, California Department of Toxic Substances Control
Paul Hadley, California Department of Toxic Substances Control
Sara Michael, California Department of Toxic Substances Control
Nirupma Suryavanshi, California Department of Toxic Substances Control
Julie Lincoln, California Department of Toxic Substances Control
Chris Sherman, California Department of Toxic Substances Control
Todd Wallbom, California Department of Toxic Substances Control
Joseph Crisologo, California State Water Resources Control Board
Maile Gee, California Water Quality Control Board, Santa Ana Region
Miller Susan, Canadian Nuclear Laboratories
Henry Zhang, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
Eliot Cooper, Cascade Environmental
Ernest Ashley, CDM Smith
Aileen Craig, CDM Smith
Tamzen Macbeth, CDM Smith
Cannon Silver, CDM Smith
Ryan Wymore, CDM Smith
Lenny Siegel, Center for Public Environmental Oversight
Yinghong He, CH2M
Christina Hong, CH2M
Nancy Ballantyne, CH2M
Devamita Chattopadhyay, CH2M
Paul Favara, CH2M
Trevor King, CH2M
Jennifer Wilkie, CH2M
Moses Jaraysi, CH2M Hill
Amanda Bess, Chevron
Roopa Kamath, Chevron
Chad Donnelly, City of Minneapolis, Minnesota
Steve Koenigsberg, Civil & Engineering Consultants, Inc.
Chris Hortert, Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc.
Roland Clubb, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
Susan Newton, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
Carl Spreng, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
Rachel Blomberg, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
John Sohl, COLUMBIA Technologies
Leo Williamson, Commonwealth of Kentucky
Colleen Costello, Conestoga-Rover & Associates (CRA)/GHD
Michael Lam, Conestoga-Rover & Associates (CRA)/GHD
Ian Richardson, GHD
Alexander Nazarali, Confederated Tribes of Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR)
Kim Edward Kalen, Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces, North Warning System
Nazmul Haque, District Department of the Environment
Donald Weir, Donald Weir Associates
Donnie Belote, DOW Chemical
Bryan Goodwin, DOW Chemical
Claudia Walecka-Hutchison, DOW Chemical
Edward Lutz, DuPont
Ken Ladwig, EPRI
Darren Burgett, ERM
William Butler, ERM
Aaron Friedrich, ERM
Terry Hair, ERM
Edyta Korczynska, ERM
Brian Magee, ERM
John Markey, ERM
Brandon McGugan, ERM
John Mohlin, ERM
Carolyn Moore, ERM
Denice Nelson, ERM
Thomas Numbers, ERM
Ed Ossi, ERM
Wilson Sandy, ERM
Hunter Sartain, ERM
Jaydeep Sathaye, ERM
Vidya Sundaram, ERM
Steve Williams, ERM
Jane Huber, Eurofins USA
Nicole Leja, Eurofins USA
Frank Messina, Exxon Mobil
Lanita Walker, Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Zoe Kulakowski, Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Ilsu Lee, Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc
Mike Hawthorne, GEI Consultants, Inc.
Christopher Finley, GEI Consultants, Inc.
Kendall St. Ange, GEI Consultants, Inc.
Wes McCall, Geoprobe
Nicole Vermillion, Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Environmental Protection Division
Jim Brown, Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Environmental Protection Division
Undine Johnson, Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Environmental Protection Division
Nichole Rodgers, Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Environmental Protection Division
Courtney Roberts, Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Environmental Protection Division
Heather Lutz, Geosyntec Consultants
Rula Deeb, Geosyntec Consultants
Elisabeth Hawley, Geosyntec Consultants
Teresa Fischer, Geosyntec Consultants
Jim Langenbach, Geosyntec Consultants
Jennifer Nyman, Geosyntec Consultants
David Reynolds, Geosyntec Consultants
Eric Suchomel, Geosyntec Consultants
Roy Thun, GHD
Brian Sandberg, GHD
Christina Higginbotham, Golder Associates
Nikki Roy, Golder Associates
Diane Howe, Government of British Columbia
Ricardo Jaimes, Government of the District of Columbia
Adrian Sandoval, Groundwater & Environmental Services, Inc.
David Bennett, Groundwater & Environmental Services, Inc.
Christopher Mulry, Groundwater & Environmental Services, Inc.
Charles Newell, GSI Environmental, Inc.
Stephen Richardson, GSI Environmental, Inc.
Stephen Washburn, GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc.
Matthew Barvenik, GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc.
Scott Zachary, Haley & Aldrich
Jeff Zoeckler, Hana Engineers & Consultants, LLC
Katherine von Stackelberg, Harvard Center for Risk Analysis
Meinarni Thamrin , Hasanuddin University
Dimitris Markou, Hellenic Open University
William Guite, Hepure
Rakesh Singh, Honeywell
Helen Fahy, Honeywell
Ziqi He, HSW Engineering
Alexandre Muselli, Institute for Technological Research
Mikelo Heredia, Instituto del Mar del Peru (IMARPE)
Sue Robinson, Intera Inc.
Avi Haim, Israel Ministry of Environmental Protection
Adebayo Ogundipe, James Madison University
Michael Sieczkowski, JRW Bioremediation
Gordon Alexander, Kennedy Jenks
Benjamin Carreon, Kennedy Jenks
Rachel Morgan, Kennedy Jenks
West Johnson, Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection
Emmanuel Onejeme, Kentucky Division of Waste Management
Tanya Dmytrow, Kleinfelder
William Bergeron, Kleinfelder
Jeffrey Hale, Kleinfelder
Mike Meyerhoefer, Kleinfelder
Leslie Steele, Kleinfelder
Raymond Lees, Langan Engineering
Kavitha Subramaniam, Langan Engineering
Saty Thak, Langan Engineering
Demian Wincele, Langan Engineering
Lingke Zeng, Langan Engineering
Fangmei Zhang, Langan Engineering
David Porter, Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
Noelle Chalona, Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality
Blake Bordelon, Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality
Ira May, Maryland Department of the Environment
Janet Waldron, Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
Priyank Patel, Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
Dale Bridgford, Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
Dora Ogles, Microbial Insights, Inc.
Mary Barnes, Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Hazardous Waste Program
Richard Sloan, Montana Department of Environmental Quality
David Smit, Mountain Area Land Trust, Evergreen Area Sustainability (EAS-Y)
Rochelle Silverman, n/a
Michael Deliz, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Keith Thomsen, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Al Laase, Navarro Research and Engineering, Inc.
Laurie Brunner, Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality
Sarah Jeffrey, Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality
Carlton Parker, Nevada Division of Environmental Protection
Michael Friend, Nevada Division of Environmental Protection
Alexi Lanza, Nevada Division of Environmental Protection
Margaret Bastien, New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services
Josh Whipple, New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services
Ann Charles, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
Sanjay Shah, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
Robert Adams, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
Edwin Martin, New Mexico State Land Office
Anchor Holm, New Mexico State Land Office
Kaled Alamarie, New York City Department of Environmental Protection
Kiran Mall, New York State Department of Health
Michael Barba, Noblis
Javier Santillan, Noblis
Kelly Johnson, North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Peter Vasel, Northern Territory Australia Environmental Protection Agency
Richard Boone, O’Brien & Gere
Michael Kozar, O’Brien & Gere
David Leavitt, Oklahoma Corporation Commission
Julie Wozencraft, Orange County Health Care Agency
Mouzhong Xu, Oregon Health & Science University
Amoret Bunn, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Michael Truex, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
M Hope Lee, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Environmental Systems
Sarah Phelan, Parsons
Terry Vandell, Phillips 66
Steven Sutherland, Pinyon Environmental, Inc.
Peter Strauss, PM Strauss & Associates
Grant Carey, Porewater Solutions
Scott Hooton, Port of Tacoma
James Heinzman, Public Stakeholder
Richard Aho, Public Stakeholder
Jeffrey Kuhn, Public Stakeholder
Michael Chacon, Pueblo de San Ildefonso
Juan Babá, Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board
Adam Duskocy, Ramboll Environ
Kofi Frimpong, Ramboll Environ
Laurie LaPat-Polasko, Ramboll Environ
Jessica Penetar, Ramboll Environ
Rajesh (Raj) Singh, Ramboll Environ
Chris Stubbs, Ramboll Environ
Danielle Amber, Ramboll Environ
Austin Connell, Ramboll Environ
James Hutchens, Ramboll Environ
Mark Nielsen, Ramboll Environ
David Heidlauf, Ramboll Environ
Rick Gillespie, Regenesis
Kimberly Taylor, Remington
Eric Ballenger, Republic Services
Joe Montello, Republic Services
John Morse, Richland Operations
Carol Eddy-Dilek, Savannah River National Laboratory
Roger Seitz, Savannah River National Laboratory
Deanne Rider, SERDP/ESTCP
Carmen LeBron, SERDP/ESTCP
Buddy Bealer, Shell
Chet Clarke, Shell
Mahshid Shekarrizfard, Shiraz University
Ben Jumper, South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control
Donald Welch, Sterling Global Operations, Inc.
Douglas Lambert, SUNY at Buffalo
Angel Perkey, Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, Department of Energy Oversight Office
Justin Meredith, Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, Division of Remediation
Lynn Capuano, Terra Pine Environmental
Daniel Schneider, Terracon
David Alden, TestAmerica Inc.
Patricia McIsaac, TestAmerica Inc.
Sandip Chattopadhyay, Tetra Tech
Rick Wice, Tetra Tech
Christopher Hook, Tetra Tech
Marilyn Long, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Sebastian Harrison, The Chemours Company
Ed Lutz, The Chemours Company
Ed Seger, The Chemours Company
Sathya Yalvigi, The Chemours Company
Thomas M. Johnson, Thomas Johnson Associates
Warren Chamberlain, TRC Solutions
Jennifer DiPilato, TRC Solutions
Nidal Rabah, TRC Solutions
Amy Wilson, TRC Solutions
Joseph Ziaya, TRC Solutions
Wilson Clayton, Trihydro Corporation
Lloyd E Dunlap, Trihydro Corporation
Allison Riffel, Trihydro Corporation
John Sankey, True Blue Technologies, Inc.
Melissa Milner, U.S. Air Force
Samuel L. Brock, U.S. Air Force Civil Engineer Center
Kent Glover, U.S. Air Force Civil Engineer Center
Andrea Lehn, U.S. Air Force Secretary of the Air Force Installations, Environment and Energy (SAF/IE)
Deborah Johnston, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Dave Becker, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Daniel Groher, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
James Stellmach, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Brenda Bachman, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Charles Klaus, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Mark Rothas, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Laurie Haines, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Julia Battocchi, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District
Mark Leeper, U.S. Army National Guard (ARNG)
Deborah Morefield, U.S. Army Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, Energy Installations and Environment, Environment Safety and Occupational Health (ODUSD[I&E]/ESOH)
Karen Ladd, U.S. Coast Guard
Stanley Toal, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Lawrence Kellum, U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs
Kurt Gerdes, U.S. DOE EM
Allan Harris, U.S. DOE EM, Consolidated Business Center
Sid Garland, U.S. DOE EM, East Tennessee Technology Park
Latrincy Bates, U.S. DOE EM, Office of Soil and Groundwater Remediation
Beth Moore, U.S. DOE EM-10, Office of Site Restoration
Alex Teimouri, U.S. DOE EM-12
Paul Beam, U.S. DOE EM-12, Groundwater and Soil Remediation
Grover (Skip) Chamberlain, U.S. DOE EM-22, Groundwater & Soils
Darina Palacio, U.S. DOE Office of Legacy Management (LM)
Gilbert Tellez, USEPA
Nancy Fagan, USEPA
Roxanne Welch, USEPA
Donald Smith, USEPA Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance (OECA)
Andrea Barbery, USEPA Office of Intergovernmental Relations
Dale Werkema, USEPA Office of Research & Development (ORD)
Sandip Chattopadhyay, USEPA Office of Research & Development (ORD)
Kevin Willis, USEPA Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER)
Stuart Walker, USEPA Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation (OSRTI)
Ray Ledbetter, USEPA Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation (OSRTI)
Linda Fiedler, USEPA Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation (OSRTI)
Kira Lynch, USEPA Region 10
Ameesha Mehta-Sampath, USEPA Region 2 Clean Air and Sustainability Division (CASD)
Eric Newman, USEPA Region 3 Hazardous Site Cleanup Division
Christina Cosentini, USEPA Region 8
Cody McLarty, USEPA Superfund Remedial Program
James Hanley, USEPA Superfund Remedial Program
Robert Glynn, USEPA Underground Storage Tank Remedial Program
David McConaughy, U.S. Naval and Marine Corps Public Health Center
Edward Long, U.S. Naval Facilities Engineering Command
Mike Singletary, U.S. Naval Facilities Engineering Command
James Tarr, U.S. Naval Facilities Engineering Command
Kim Brown, U.S. Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Headquarters
Gunarti Coghlan, U.S. Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Headquarters
Nancy Ruiz, U.S. NAVFAC Engineering Service Center
Amy Hawkins, U.S. NAVFAC Engineering Service Center
Travis Borrillo, U.S. NAVFAC EXWC
Andrea Mejia, UMSA
Fred Vreeman, University of Alaska
Leroy Beldeh, University of Denver
Krishna Reddy, University of Illinois
Carmen Yupanqui, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Eric Nuttall, University of New Mexico
Fred Dolislager, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Kirk Coulter, University of Texas at Arlington
Anestoria Shalkowski, University of the West Indies
Amalia Kokkinaki, University of Toronto
Isabel Green, University of Virginia
Jeff Cornell, URS
Jim Fenstermacher, URS
Caleb Krouse, URS
Scott Norcross, URS
Samantha Pack, URS CH2M Oak Ridge LLC (UCOR)
Dave Larsen, Utah Department of Environmental Quality
Kristopher McCandless, Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
Anthony Cario, Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
Jefferson Reynolds, Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
Alexander Wardle, Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
Mahbub Alam, Washington State Department of Ecology
Brian Johnson, Washington State Department of Ecology
John Price III, Washington State Department of Ecology
Neal Hines, Washington State Department of Ecology
Dibakar (Dib) Goswami, Washington State Department of Ecology, Nuclear Waste Program
Mathieu Gagne, WikiNet
Marc Paquet, WikiNet
Michael Apfelbaum, Woodard Curran
Dan Bryant, Woodard Curran
Douglas Spicuzza, Woodard Curran
Clint Carney, Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality
Scott Forister, Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality
Nicole Twing, Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality, Water Quality Division